Mobile Website Design

3 Mobile Facts from 2013

  • In America, 25 percent of shoppers used only a mobile device.
  • More than 90 percent of adults had a smartphone within reach.
  • More than half of mobile web searches led to a sale.

Sources: Forbes,, Morgan Stanley, SearchEngineLand

Every year, industry leaders release new, innovative technologies in the form of hand-held smartphones. These pieces of tech have become nearly everyone's must-have, go-to source of information, entertainment, and online shopping. Smartphone users are watching videos, listening to music, checking the stats on yesterday's game, updating social media profiles, and they are buying products online more than ever.

The real question now is whether your website is tailored for mobile browsers.

If the answer is yes, then you're off to a good start. If the answer is no, you could be missing out on 50 percent of your business.

Mobile Website Design

You need a website that will function properly on mobile devices with a design that makes it easy for users to navigate. It can be difficult to click tiny links, scroll through pages of information, or load home page animations while on-the-go and on smaller screens. Research has shown that mobile users expect more out of the websites they visit: they are goal-oriented and expect instant results. Mobile website design streamlines your full website to make it easy to use in just a few swipes. This can mean reducing code or skipping some graphics, but consider this – a graphic that doesn't fit on the screen of a mobile user isn't helping your cause. Instead, users are scrolling by looking for more relevant information.

A website that is optimized for mobile devices:

  • Allows users to input information quickly, without repeating data.
  • Uses ads that point to the mobile site.
  • Doesn't make users zoom by “pinching.”
  • Has graphics, pictures and text that fit screens.
  • Allows users to view products with high-resolution closeups.

A Better Mobile Experience

Online Potential will evaluate your website to either create a mobile site or redesign your existing mobile site to maximize user experience and increase the potential for conversion and sales. We'll show you how accessible call-to-actions and homepage links can improve user experience, and whether large banners or promotions could be driving away customers.

Of course there's more to successful mobile site designs than an effective homepage. More people perform web searches on mobile devices, including site-specific searches. If your search bar isn't up to the task, no matter the operating system or browser being used, then your customers are doing their business elsewhere. Let Online Potential evaluate your site in order to meet the needs of your busy mobile device users.

Our mobile website design analysis includes:

  • Website design/redesign
  • Graphic placement
  • New or edited content
  • Updated filters for better site searches
  • Simplified menus
  • Refined registration forms
  • Easy checkout
  • Number pad pop-ups
  • Click-to-call, email, or mapping buttons
  • Sharing on social media sites

Remember, if your website isn't working with mobile browsers, you're missing out on a large portion of the market. Don't exclude mobile users – embrace them so you can stay at the forefront of technology.

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