Business Blogs

What's the bottom line with blogs? There's no one true answer. Company blogs build relationships with consumers and improve public image. They bring a sense of humanization to your company. They drive traffic to your website through frequent, relevant posting. Blogs can be used to improve search engine optimization and search engine rankings. They give your fans an all-encompassing place for social media.

Building Consumer Relationships

Similar to social media, online business blogs provide a platform for discussion. But instead of a 140-character limit, blogs are limitless in their length and creativity. They are a perfect way for consumers to get to know the employees of a business and interact with a sense of community. You can choose to keep your blog relevant only to industry topics or lighten the mood with more personal accounts and anecdotes. While the former option can specifically boost your search engine optimization, the latter allows brand awareness and brand loyalty to take root with your blog's readers.

Business blogs are an excellent way to balance your company's social media presence. Because social media is limited, pairing those accounts with a blog can provide followers with a more comprehensive look at your company's interests and stance on issues. It also gives you a way to effectively link to all of your company's social media profiles.

Blogs Can Increase Traffic

If your company updates its blog once a week, then you can see an influx of visitors that day. After a while, visitors will be anxiously awaiting the week's topic, speculating on ideas or sharing disappointments. This sense of weekly expectation is a perfect way to bring visitors to your site. If your blog is updated frequently, you may see a further increase in site traffic as visitors check and refresh the page for the latest content.

Tips for Successful Business Blogs

  • Stay relevant. Let your business have an opinion on the latest state legislature or a new local endeavor that affects your industry.
  • Get personal. If your personal passion is gardening, a heart-felt post about the hobby can help consumers identify with you and your business. This also provides your business with the opportunity to showcase your employees' outside talents.
  • Inform your readers. Does your company give a certain percent of proceeds to a charity? Do you use recycled products? Blog entries can raise awareness to important social and economic issues while increasing a consumer's knowledge of your company.
  • Update frequently. Not only will you drive traffic to your site, but you'll create a sense of urgency and anticipation with your followers. Timeliness is key for relevance, so find a topic that is happening now and get to blogging about it.

Online Potential has a team of writers and editors who are well-versed in blogging. We know the lingo, and we know successful ways of writing unique content that can appeal to your site's visitors and reach an untapped consumer base. We can help you schedule your updates so that your blogging can stay relevant and fresh. Let Online Potential take your company to the next level with successful business blogs.

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